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Terms of Use

Terms of use

The information contained in this website is not intended to constitute professional advice or services. Instead, this information is merely intended to be of a general nature and is provided solely for the interest of the reader. We can, therefore, accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever (including liability for any indirect loss or loss of profits or turnover) for any particular material or any result of any use made of material or any reliance placed on any material provided. Any and all information is subject to change without notice.

We accept no liability for the accuracy and completeness of any information provided on this website and the accuracy, completeness, quality, performance or fitness for a particular purpose of any information provided on this site is not guaranteed, and we are neither responsible nor liable for any errors or omissions or any consequences, losses or damages arising from its use.

This website provides hypertext links to external websites. Such provision does not represent authorisation for a user to access information held on that site. We are not responsible for the content, availability or suitability of external sites and provision of a link should not be taken as endorsement of any kind.


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Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or device by the websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work and to provide information to the owner of the website.

Why do we use cookies?

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How can I delete and block cookies?

Most modern web browsers give you some control over cookies. You can set your web browser to accept or reject all cookies or to accept or reject specific cookies. You may also be able to set your browser to alert you every time a cookie is offered.