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Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP for Food and Beverage

Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP provides a fully integrated enterprise-wide system for food manufacturers, retailers and distributors. The comprehensive functionality within Microsoft Dynamics AX includes

  • Production and Manufacturing
  • Inventory and Warehouse Management
  • Financials and Accounting
  • Retail Point of Sales and Merchandising
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Management
  • Retail Headquarters

Production and Manufacturing

Food and beverage manufacturers contend with fluctuating consumer demand, strict government regulations, and raw material variability.  With Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics® AX, food and beverage companies have the tools they need to plan for demand, help meet quality and compliance standards, and manage their inventory while maintaining excellent customer service

Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX can help you optimize production processes, speed the flow of goods, and meet your delivery commitments. With access to real-time inventory levels, you can adjust your forecasts and inventory to help ensure adequate supply for demand. Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX also provides lot tracking, specification management, and production statistics reporting so you can detect and address problems early and consistently produce high-quality products.

With robust planning and analysis tools in Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can model and manage an unlimited number of inputs and outputs through a recipe and formula management system. The business intelligence it delivers helps you to make timely adjustments in response to changes in the market and commodity prices. By effectively managing processing of costly ingredients, you can minimize overruns and short runs to reduce waste and meet customer demand.

Recipe Management

  • Multi-level formula-based recipe
  • Formula based on quantities or a percentage
  • Unlimited level Bill of Materials (“BOM”)
  • Track and manage inventory simultaneously using two non-converted UOMs, such as weight and area.
  • Enter product volumes and weights based on actual measurements rather than through UOM conversion routines to minimize material variances.
  • Capture and use as-produced weight (catch weight) to help ensure accurate inventory management and costing

Best Practice Business Processes for Food and Beverage Industry

  • Batch Production Orders for Made to Order
  • Made to Stock with Automatic Replenishment with MRP/ Master Planning
  •  Advanced Replenishment rates based on target service level
  • Out of the box business process workflows

Best Practice Workflows for Food and Beverage Industry