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An Unchanging Love

Posted on 05/07/12

Excerpted from Walking with God in the Quiet Places by Julie Clinton

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Unemployment, illness, loss, relocation…in the midst of life’s most difficult changes, you can find comfort by knowing that one thing never changes: God’s love for you. He’s with you in every circumstance, every life change, every situation. In fact, He’s not just with you—He’s in you.

Isn’t that a relief ? God loves you, period. You don’t have to earn His love. You don’t have to be worthy of it. And nothing you do or have done will keep God from loving you. What a relief to know that your failings won’t keep you from the love of Christ. Nothing you can do will change His feelings for you. That’s grace!

He is a God of love. His love never changes. His blessings for you abound. His favor endures from one generation to the next. His dreams for you continue to shine and hold fast through every change of your life.

Dear Lord, hold fast to me through the inevitable changes of life, both good and bad. Let me rest secure in the knowledge that Your love for me, my family, and my friends will endure forever. Amen.