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CFC Training

Training Makes a Difference

Beginning a new program with fully trained and committed staff can make a big difference. Training is a fun and effective way to prepare for a smooth implementation, give staff the confidence to teach the lessons effectively, and build motivation. And educators who attend training can start teaching the lessons right away because they already understand the program format and best practices.

“We really came away with a more thorough understanding of the program and a lot of enthusiasm for implementing it.”

Phyllis Lardinois, Counselor
Whittier Elementary and Randall Elementary

One-Day Trainings
In our one-day trainings, you’ll get hands-on experience with the program and discuss ways to make it work in your setting.

Two-Day Trainings
In our two-day trainings, you’ll gain everything in the one-day training, plus the tools and resources to conduct staff trainings of your own.

Trainings can be held at your location, or you can send staff to one of our regularly scheduled trainings. Holding an on-site training exclusively for your staff allows you to plan implementation and problem solve possible challenges as a team. Sending a group of staff to one of our cost-effective regional trainings allows them to network with other professionals.