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ATP Authoring

Authoring Instructional Material


We appreciate your interest in becoming an author for ATP. Our mission is to publish instructional material that "minimizes barriers to comprehension." This document is designed to help guide you in the initial stages of the publishing process. Over the years, we have worked with many authors in developing high-quality instructional material. It is our hope that you will have success in your writing efforts, and please contact us if we can be of any assistance.

Jonathan F. Gosse, Ed.D.
Editor in Chief


At American Technical Publishers (ATP), authors come from many backgrounds and possess a variety of skills. However, there is a common bond that links all ATP authors — a commitment to sharing knowledge with instructors and learners in the field. Our authors are usually full-time professionals in addition to being dedicated writers.

The rewards of writing are many. The foremost is the personal satisfaction of helping learners in the field. Other rewards are more tangible, including recognition in the profession and financial compensation. These rewards are earned by those who have the commitment and discipline required for writing.

The material used to create a book can come from a variety of sources. Experience in the field, teaching experience, instructional material created for a specific program, and research activities can often be transformed into a publication. On a small scale, the material becomes a magazine article, presentation, or research paper. On a large scale, the material becomes a book.

Over time, professionals in the field develop a base of knowledge along with commonly used reference material. Interaction with other professionals provides additional opportunities to compile reference material. In an instructional setting, a library of information begins to form after teaching a class a few times. This information can be material such as a course outline, program curriculum, topical handouts, study guides, or worksheets. This material can eventually become the basis for a book or other instructional material. Sometimes the best instructional material and expertise is never shared outside its immediate environment. Publishing offers the opportunity to offer the benefit of your expertise to others in the field